vegan menù

less is more


We are chefs, we are not intellectuals, so let’s leave aside all the discussions regarding personal sensitivity towards the topic to focus on a very interesting concept in the kitchen: “less is more”. Meat, but above all eggs and dairy products are very present in our traditional recipes, re-proposing them in a vegan key, is an interesting challenge that allows us to research and combine the flavors that the earth offers us at 360°. Our alpine vegan cuisine is not only for “vegans”, but also for those who, without sacrificing taste, want to explore unexplored territories.

natural detox menù


Salt-cured watermelon carpaccio

vegan feta foam and black garlic mayo

First Course

Rye “Fidelin” pasta

creamed with dandelion pesto, corn cream and its popcorn

Main course

Cardoncello mushrooms cutlet

marinated zucchini and potatoes millefeuille


Pineapple in raspberry osmosis

“Papillon” gin tonic foam and crunchy coconut

Alpine herbs digestive drink